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Wooden Canoe
Heritage Association

The WCHA is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden and bark canoes, and to sharing information about canoeing heritage throughout the world.

Photo Credit: Jim and Betsy Wilson

Assembly 2023
Featuring Carleton Canoes
43rd Annual Assembly, July 11-16th, 2023

Held in conjunction with the

Home: Welcome

Join us in July of 2023 for another incredible week of canoe fun and friendship.


Please call Annie Burke at the WCHA office to register.


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2023 Quilt Raffle

The WCHA quilters have been hard at work again and the fruits of their labour will be raffled off once again at Assembly!



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Here's a curated list of available books for the wooden canoe enthusiast!


When you shop from the links in this list, the WCHA benefits financially. Thank you for your support!

Thanks to a lot of work by dedicated WCHA members, you can now view a pdf file of the covers and table of contents from every issue of Wooden Canoe Journal since the very beginning! Please be patient. As you can imagine, it's a large file and may take a while depending on your internet speed.


Chapter Newsletters

See what WCHA members around the globe are up to!
The following chapters have a newsletter available.

For information on all chapters, including their websites, see here...

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association at a Glance

A Bit of Background

The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association began 40 years ago as a way to unite the wooden canoe community as well as to educate the general public about the beauty and history of these wonderful watercraft.

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Photo Credit: Michael Grace

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Owning wooden canoes is like keeping rabbits; one is lonely so you get two and then there are many!

~ Nick Dennis

Photo Credit: Nick Dennis (RJ Turk canoe circa 1890)

©2020 by Wooden Canoe Heritage Association. Proudly created with

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