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Assembly 2022

Call for Presentations
Wooden Canoe Heritage Association

42nd Annual Assembly, July 12-17th, 2022


The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association, was founded in 1979 as a non-profit membership organization devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wooden canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing heritage throughout the world.


Seeking Speakers & Resource People for;

Feature Presentations, Information Sessions/Displays, Instructional Workshops, Demonstrations, Films, Musical Performance.


Topics include (but not limited to);

Paddle-Carving, Repair

Canoe; Building, Repair, Refinishing, Restoration

Paddling Heritage and History, Trip/Expedition Reports

Canoe Tripping, Cooking & Camp Craft

Paddling Instruction/Skills/Safety, including Canoe Sailing

Ecology, Flora and Fauna

Children’s Program; ages 5-12 (some requiring parental participation)


Vendors & Informational Displays Welcome!

Rates (5 day event); $30 US ($37 Can) pre-paid with registration,

or  $45 US ($57 Can) at the event.

You are expected to supply your own display/table/chairs/canopy etc


Venue: Paul Smith’s College of the Adirondacks, Paul Smith’s, NY


More info, contact;

Rob Stevens  (

Program Coordinator, Annual Assembly

Wooden Canoe Heritage Association



Presentations from the 2021 Virtual Assembly have been archived on the WCHA YouTube channel for ongoing viewing;

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