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Two Old Town
Canoes for



Need Restoration

One 15Ft unknown age or model Old Town wood and canvas
One 17Ft Old Town lake canoe with sponsons on sides
These canoes were handed down to me from my grandparents (I am 73) and have been stored for many years. They were used on Squam Lake and I have fond childhood memories of painting them with my Grandmother, then later paddling down to Owl Brook early in the morning stillness. These canoes would glide absolutely silently
I had hoped to restore but my health prohibits. I can provide more pictures upon request. Serial numbers not legible can get partial if that's helpful

Canoe Length

15 feet & 17 feet


Bethlehem, NH

Submitted By

Oliver Cole


Submitted Date

October 18, 2023 at 3:52:00 AM

Click on image to see in full.

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